Tag Archives: research

Blog November First


It’s finally here and I finally have a plot and some words down on paper! Reading the NaNo Pep Talk gave me some useful ideas. They talk about your writing factory. You know, your life and everything you base your writing on. If you don’t have time to write, you need to cut something out of your life if you want to be a writer. I don’t exactly agree with that, because I have other interests too. But they’re right. If you’re not writing all the time then what are you doing? Another thing it talked about today was about writers block. Sometimes I get that throughout the year, and that’s usually when I turn to friends for story ideas. But this is different. This is a novel. Sure I could go up to a friend, tell them whats going on with my characters and they can help. But what about the knowledge part of it all. It brings me back to school when I was taking tests. During tests you can’t ask your friends for help. You have to come to that test with the knowledge and to get that you need to study beforehand. The pep talk talks about doing research. Which I sort of did last year for places and little things but I’m going to have to do a lot more of that this year. My novel this year is about a time traveling serial killer. I know next to nothing about those two things. That means that I’m going to have to do a lot of research on serial killers. Oh boy is my search history going to be awkward. I should also look into some thriller novels… maybe some movies actually. Suggestions for good ones may be left in the comments! And since I’ve already got started, I’ll post the first few paragraphs for you!

I don’t give a shit about people. They’re disgusting creatures who embody every part of the seven deadly sins. Like Tommy, the boy from a few houses down from where I grew up. The most gluttonous kid I’ve ever met. Looking back on that day I don’t regret a damn thing.

This kid was having his own personal hotdog eating contest, except it wasn’t hot dogs. Ho-hos and ding-dongs was all he ever wanted to eat and one day he had like four or five boxes of each, just sitting there opening package after package and devouring them. On his front lawn no less, for every person to see. If I hadn’t of killed him, diabetes would have eventually anyway.

That’s what did it for me. I couldn’t stop. Anyone who pissed me off had to go.

The best part is that no one ever found Tommy’s killer; who would suspect a ten year old boy? Newspaper headlines went crazy, you heard frantic cries from his mother every night on the radio, posters and fliers all over the neighborhood. I just sat back in dad’s laz-e-boy and watched cartoons and drinking a beer every night for a solid three weeks. That is my happiest memory.

Ooh And while I’m at it, last blog I told you that I was going to a total stranger’s house for Halloween fun. It was totally awkward, but got more interesting as the night went on. And as sorta-promised, a picture of me in my Wednesday costume. (I got lots of compliments on it, pretty proud even though it was pretty basic)

This is my costume, I'm a homicidal maniac. They dress like everyone else.

This is my costume, I’m a homicidal maniac. They dress like everyone else.