And now you’re back, from outer-space…

I just walked in to find you sitting there with that sad look upon your face.

No, but before I get in trouble for copyright infringement or something silly lets get back to why we’re here.

I haven’t written in a while! A long while!  So many things have happened but nothing has happened and anyway. I came to this conclusion (probably again) that if I don’t do it, I won’t do it, and then it’ll be harder to do it. Writing that is. And look at that, just in time for July Camp NaNoWriMo.

*Some disclaimers/excuses are about to be announced*  I just bought a house! Well, in the process of. God, you know what they need to teach in schools? House buying. How do you do it? What’s a mortgage? Do I need a down payment? What are the hidden costs? What is a lateral sewage pipe? Why do I have to fix my lateral sewage pipe? I close on it in the middle of July. So painting, cleaning, moving, organizing, and all that jazz is going to be thrown in the mix of trying to write something again for the 100th time.

I got Scrivener too, so there’s a bit of motivation in getting to use a cool new tool. Have any of you used Scrivener before? There was like two days of learning and I feel like I’ll need to watch some tutorials on youtube along the way but I’m excited.

What am I writing you ask? (I know you didn’t but let’s pretend)  A collection of short stories!  Because let’s face it, I’ve tried actual novels and get about 20000 words in (once) and never finished it. Short stories is where it’s at. I won’t be excerpting much because the idea is to self-publish this once I’m done.

It’s July 1 and I spent most of my free time today learning Scrivener today so I haven’t even started yet. But blogging is close enough to doing something today for me. If you have well wishes or advice or story ideas throw ’em my way!

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